Radiation Team Activities

  1. Receipt, renewal, and updating of permits for working with X-ray facilities and handling open radioactive materials at the Technion, which are given annually by the Environmental Protection Ministry, the Ministry of Transportation, and the Ministry of Health. This activity includes:
    • Preparation of an annual radiation safety plan and an annual radiation risk assessment report.
    • Mapping potential radiation hazards and conducting a hazard survey in radioactive laboratories and radiation facilities at the Technion campus at least once a year. Additionally, overseeing installation, repair, calibration, transfer, and decommissioning of facilities and any changes in the facility and its surroundings.
    • Conducting an occupational environmental survey at the Technion campus and accompanying a certified inspector appointed by national enforcement and supervision bodies.
    • Calibration of radiation monitoring devices.
    • Marking radiation zones with appropriate signage.
    • Establishing radiation safety regulations for each radiation area.
    • Reporting to the regional work supervisor for approval of any changes in radiation areas that may affect worker exposure.
  1. Approval of the purchase of radiation sources:
    • Including the approval and release of radiation-emitting machines, such as X-ray machines.
    • Approval and receipt of radioactive materials from suppliers, with delivery to the ordering research group.
  1. Performing personal and environmental monitoring:
    • Medical monitoring of radiation workers, including periodic medical tests by an accredited medical institution.
    • Individual exposure monitoring of radiation workers using dosimeters and radiotoxicological tests (checking for the presence of radioactive materials in employee urine samples).
    • Conducting professional checks and supervising the activities of radiation workers.
    • Training and consulting radiation workers and management on radiation safety.
    • Ensuring the use of radiation safety measures, protective equipment, monitoring and measurement instruments, and personal control measures by radiation workers.
    • Taking any reasonable action and measures to minimize worker exposure.
    • Environmental monitoring, including mapping radiation levels and monitoring laboratories for contamination detection, taking corrective actions for defects.
    • Taking any necessary action and measures to prevent any incident, malfunction, or accident associated with worker exposure to ionizing radiation.
  1. Emergency response (alarms, malfunctions):
    • The EPR (Emergency Planning and Response) team serves as the emergency team at the Technion
    • Mapping radiation fields and monitoring laboratories for contamination detection.
    • Dealing with radioactive contamination in laboratories.
    • Reporting to the regional work supervisor on any incident, malfunction, or accident related to worker exposure.
  1. Handling radioactive waste and storage of radiation sources:
    • Supervising the collection and disposal of radioactive waste at the Technion.
    • Storage of radiation sources.